Building My Photography Website

Home Page

Back in 2015 I decided I would dedicate my spring break to building my first website. Being a photographer it had to be as current and modern as possible. However, web development has gotten incredibly complicated so I chose to instead spend a few bucks on a nice parallax single page website. It seems like it would be relatively straightforward to just paste in your own photos, but since it was my first foray into this new world it still took me the entirety of my spring break to choose a template, go through my portfolio and choose the photos, tweak the template to my liking, and finally deploy the website.

At the time I went with GoDaddy for my domain name They were actually quite good for the year that I had it hosted there. After the first year I decided not to renew the site since it was around $100 for the year, and it didn’t see much traffic at all since most people have gone to more photo-centric website anyways.

Well, now with GitHub hosting available it has been resurrected. Although I’m currently facing issues with it loading the JavaScript correctly (surprise surprise), but hopefully I can get it sorted out. In the meantime I’ve taken some screenshots of the exact same GitHub repo(!) running locally to show it off.

Above is the landing page with a carousel of my three favorite images at the time, and here is the ‘About Me’ part of the page once you scroll down. About Me